Making a “TO BE LIST” is a Power Play for Your Level of  Consciousness!

If you are a spiritually minded and aspire to raising your level of consciousness, and you are a BIG fan of your “To Do List” then you will find this presentation super helpful.

(This presentation received great feedback and reviews! You WILL garner key insights into where power really exists in consciousness and how you can apply these insights easily into your everyday life.)

You will also come to the understanding that your daily “TO Be List” is an even more worthy pursuit for getting things done in a fun. loving and much more passionately productive and significant way!

Mahatma Gandhi Quote Be the Change You Wish to See in the WorldIt also brings more clarity and significantly more meaning to the Mahatma Gandhi quote, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

So what if you genuinely want to “power up” your “to do list” with a super charged “to be list”?

This special presentation on levels of consciousness is based on the extensive research and life’s work of Dr. David R. Hawkins, M.D. Ph.D as conveyed in his now renowned book Power vs Force and the resulting Map of Consciousness (see

And perhaps you’ve heard of the notion that “Beingness” is more powerful then “doing-ness” or “having-ness”.

I cover the calibrated power levels of each of those levels of consciousness in this presentation, but here it is in a nut shell:

“Having” is calibrated around 125, the level of DESIRE on the Map of Consciousness and is a lower level of consciousness that does not necessarily help you get what you “want”

“Doing” is calibrated around 175, the level of PRIDE on the Map of Consciousness and is still a lower level of consciousness that requires a lot of energy that doesn’t necessarily produce what you “want”

“Being” starts at the calibrated level of consciousness of 200, the level of COURAGE on the Map of Consciousness and is the gateway to TRUE POWER!

I encourage you to watch the full presentation as I attempt to bring the topic of consciousness research to a more every day, practically minded way so you can apply what you learn and take-away some key insights as to where you need to focus your attention if you want a powerful, meaningful, loving and productive life!

Unleash Your Business's Unique Appeal: Discover 7 Creative and Compelling Customer Attractors

Remember... it's a "Power Play" in consciousness to differentiate your business, products, services and brands from the "competition".

According to consciousness research, it dramatically increases your likelihood of success when you do!

Levels of Consciousness References

COURAGE is 200 on the Map of Consciousness

Other states of consciousness that calibrate around this power level are:

  • 200 Hard Working
  • 200 Honest
  • 210 Persistent
  • 210 Diligent
  • 210 Easy Going
  • 220 Helpful
  • 220 Kind
  • 225 Positive
  • 240  Open

Remember, the Map of Consciousness is logarithmic and power levels grow exponentially as you move of the Map of Consciousness!

COURAGE = 10 to the 200TH POWER! Courage is the first level where you are now creating and moving in a powerful positive direction. If you are operating below 200, then you are working in a negative attractor field and are creating negatively in you life!!! You need to get to courage on all topics in your life in order to turn things around. You may need help to do so!

NEUTRAL is 250 on the Map of Consciousness

Other states of consciousness that calibrate around this power level are:

  • 245 Modest
  • 245 Supportive
  • 250 Calm
  • 250 Dependable
  • 255 Patient
  • 255 Genuine
  • 255 Stable
  • 255 Honorable

Remember, the Map of Consciousness is logarithmic and power levels grow exponentially as you move of the Map of Consciousness!

NEUTRAL = 10 to the 250TH POWER!

Whenever I find myself in a negatively oriented space, I try to remember to bring myself to neutral as there is significant, positively oriented power here!

WILLINGNESS is 310 on the Map of Consciousness

Other states of consciousness that calibrate around this power level are:

  • 300 Normal
  • 300 Sane
  • 305 Balanced
  • 305 Ethical
  • 305 Fair
  • 305 Respectful
  • 335 Glad

Remember, the Map of Consciousness is logarithmic and power levels grow exponentially as you move of the Map of Consciousness!

WILLINGNESS = 10 to the 310TH POWER!

ACCEPTANCE is 360 on the Map of Consciousness

Other states of consciousness that calibrate around this power level are:

  • 345 Sense of Humor
  • 350 Acceptance
  • 360 Healthy
  • 365 Faithful

Remember, the Map of Consciousness is logarithmic and power levels grow exponentially as you move of the Map of Consciousness!

ACCEPTANCE = 10 to the 350TH POWER! This level is significance as it is at this level that you become aware and are willing to accept that YOU ARE THE CREATOR OF YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE!

REASON is 400 on the Map of Consciousness

Other states of consciousness that calibrate around this power level are:

  • 385 Wisdom
  • 395 Happy
  • 405 Rational
  • 400 Reason
  • 499 Einstein, Freud, Jung,   Newton

Remember, the Map of Consciousness is logarithmic and power levels grow exponentially as you move of the Map of Consciousness!

REASON = 10 to the 400TH POWER! 

When you find yourself in a tizzy, it’s a good idea to take a few deep breaths to calm down, then get around someone you know who is always rational and reasonable. This is a significantly powerful state that can resolve things quickly.

LOVE is 500 on the Map of Consciousness

Other states of consciousness that calibrate around this power level are:

Remember, the Map of Consciousness is logarithmic and power levels grow exponentially as you move of the Map of Consciousness!

LOVE = 10 to the 500TH POWER! 

The state of consciousness that calibrate at 500 or above are not of this world! It’s a very different state of being and stunningly beautiful. Pure love at this level is unlike anything you will have ever experienced (in everyday-normal) states of consciousness. Trust me, I’ve been here!

Brand Building…Goal Setting? Same Intentional Discipline!

If you are serious about growing a business, then sooner or later you may need to put a stake in the ground and go through the highly conscious exercise in developing your personal or business brand.

Find out more about my Brand Builder BootCamps here.

Reference Books by Dr. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

Liz Gracia, Personal Brand Strategist & Online Marketing Expert at The Athena ArenaLiz Gracia, Founder of and is a Personal Branding Strategist, Intuitive Brand Builder, Unwitting Mystic and Student of Consciousness.

She brings understanding levels of consciousness into everyday applications of business building, digital marketing and personal branding. She leverages this understanding to help her clients recontextualize who they are, what they stand for and how the deliver value-driven results to their ideal clients.

This is just 1 “Power Play” in her Personal Brand Builder Bootcamps for women entrepreneurs, service based solopreneurs and business women in leadership roles.

Personal Branding Awareness Boost

Brand Builder Bootcamps:
A 6 Week “Power Play” ….The Art of Crafting Your Impactful Personal Brand and Unlocking the Prosperous True Essence of You!

This is small business branding for brilliant women entrepreneurs & service based solopreneurs on a mission!

Find out more and how to get in on her next bootcamp (limited to 12 brilliant women) HERE.

Liz Gracia emboldens entrepreneurial women to:

“Super Charge Your Business With a Wonder Woman Brand” and does so from her office just outside Aspen Colorado, serving brilliant entrepreneurs world wide and the surrounding metropolitan areas of Boulder and Denver, CO.

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